Oakville News
1. Do you live in the ward you are running to represent? If not, why are you running here?
Oakville's Ward 4 has been my home for 25 years and I’ve watched it grow into the exciting and vibrant community it is today. I’ve watched six of its 8 schools being built and opened for the neighbourhood children. I am very familiar with all Ward 4 schools and understand their neighbourhoods. My children have all attended schools in Ward 4 and my youngest is a 2022 HDSB graduate.
Ward 4 is my home; the community where my children attended school; played; participated in sports and clubs at the local community centres; volunteered and worked. I have spent the last 8 years serving as Trustee advocating for Ward 4 students and families.
2. Why do your skills, experience or background make you a good candidate?
Elected in 2014, over the past two terms, I took on the challenges facing the HDSB and Ward 4 as member of a variety of Steering Committees, applying evidence-based and student-centred decision making.
Prior to being elected as HDSB Trustee, I held a 20 year career in public health and served two terms as the president of a professional association. I served on regional and provincial steering committees and provided advice to the Ministry. My professional education, training and experience equipped me for strategic direction setting, evaluation and evidence-based decision making.
As Trustee, I created the first Ward 4 Super Council bringing schools, families and communities together. I served on a number of HDSB steering committees and was a contributing member to strategic direction setting for the HDSB playing an active role in the development of two multi-year plans. I co-authored several advocacy letters from the HDSB Board of Trustees and from the Special Education Advisory Committee. As a Regional Representative I provided recommendations related to education program reform, children’s services and social policy.
Valuing parent engagement and input, I spearheaded an Oakville consultation session around Ministry-proposed changes to public education. Listening to student and parent input, I co-led the HDSB Reimagine initiative aimed at gathering input into how publicly funded education system in Ontario can evolve in the wake of the pandemic.
As Student Trustee mentor and Student Senate collaborator, I supported student leadership, empowered student voice and supported student-led work around mental health, equity and inclusion, student achievement and environmental stewardship.
My two-term experience as HDSB Trustee, my professional experience, my Ward 4 residency and partnership in education, my familiarity with all Ward 4 schools and proven dedication to empowering student voice and parent engagement make me an excellent candidate.
Our education system needs steadfast leadership, innovative thinking, advocacy and student perspectives. I will continue to be a strong voice and bring my leadership experience and a knowledge-based community perspective to the role of Trustee for Ward 4.
3. What three issues are most important to you?
There are many challenges, opportunities and demands facing public education in Ontario and some of these have been highlighted by the pandemic. Most important to me are:
1. Post-pandemic recovery: In the wake of the pandemic, I am hearing loud and clear that there is a mental health crisis amongst students. Resources and supports must be dedicated to ensure that the mental health and well-being of all students are fully supported. Resources must be dedicated to ensure that students receive catch-up opportunities to close gaps in learning, as well as receive expanded social and extracurricular engagement opportunities.
2. Quality education, curriculum and the learning environment: I want to ensure our schools are inclusive of every student, serve the children in the immediate area and offer varied program choices for all. The curriculum must keep pace with 21-century learning and support our students in becoming global citizens. We need to continually look ahead and create opportunities to enhance and evolve the education system. This will help to support our students in exercising their passion and interests as they work to attain their goals. We need to provide learning environments that are safe, and inclusive of every single student, and are physically enjoyable and engaging. Environments must be conducive to learning, building of social skills, participating in extracurricular activities and accommodating varying learning styles. This is in the best interest of all students and staff. I will support policies and practices that allow and support teachers to create conditions that support inclusive and engaging environments with their students’ best interest at heart.
3. Student and parent voice: Education is the cornerstone of society and the education sector serves students, their families and the community at-large. I will continue to seek out opportunities for student and parent engagement; listen to and incorporate the diversity of student and parent voices in decision-making; and continue to support the HDSB in improving communications and consultations with students, families and staff.
There are a lot of demands on limited budget and there are many expectations of the HDSB and staff. I will continue to advocate for more equitable funding for the HDSB which includes re-examination of the funding formula to ensure that staff have the resources they need.
Oakville Beaver
Occupation: Public Health Epidemiologist (1995-2015)
Address/Ward: 25 year resident of Oakville, Ward 4
Position you are running for: HDSB Trustee for Ward 4 Oakville
Previous political experience: First elected in 2014, I am honoured to have served two terms as HDSB Trustee
Why have you decided to run? (50 words max)
Education is the cornerstone of society. I’ve provided consistent leadership and been the voice of students and parents. The education system needs steadfast leadership, advocacy and student perspectives. I’m running to apply my two-term experience and knowledge to support our schools in educating the next generation of global citizens.
What are your top three issues? (50 words max)
Creating quality education and learning environments to help students reach their potential and prepare them for the future.
Supporting post-pandemic opportunities to close gaps in learning, and to promote student and staff mental health.
Listening to and incorporating students’ and parents’ voices in decision-making while supporting and empowering student leadership.
If elected, what do you plan to accomplish in your first 100 days? (50 words max)
I will revisit all Ward 4 schools. I will re-engage with Student Trustees and Senate to hear their perspectives and incorporate their voices into decision-making. I will continue my Ward 4 Super Council to engage parents from every school community. I will champion mental health initiatives for students and staff.
How will you embrace and champion diversity in this role? (50 words max)
I will advocate for an equitable and inclusive education for each student and for school environments free from discrimination for students, families and staff. I will re-engage with the HDSB Equity and Inclusion Team and Senate to support the diversity commitments in the HDSB Multi-Year and The Way Forward plans.