Voting day for the 2022 Oakville municipal election will take place on Monday, October 24, 2022, between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m at the voting location assigned to you within your ward based on your qualifying address.
If you are unable to vote on voting day you may vote at an advance poll at a designated location.
Advance voting dates are October 6-9 and October 11-15. Voter information, dates and locations of the advance polls can be found at
To ensure that you are on the Voter’s List, please visit: to update and/or confirm your elector details.
There is a special rule for students who may be living away from home while they attend school. If you are a student and consider your “home” to be the place where you live when you are not attending school (that is, you plan on returning there), then you are eligible to vote in both your “home” municipality and in the municipality where you live while attending school.
Acceptable identification for student voters:
You must present one of the following documents showing your name and address:
Ontario driver’s licence
Ontario Health Card (photo card)
Ontario Photo Card
Ontario motor vehicle permit (vehicle portion)
cancelled personalized cheque
mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement relating to property in Ontario
insurance policy or insurance statement
loan agreement or other financial agreement with a financial institution
document issued or certified by a court in Ontario
any other document from the government of Canada, Ontario or a municipality in Ontario or from an agency or such a government
any document from a Band Council in Ontario established under the Indian Act (Canada)
income tax assessment notice
child tax benefit statement
statement of employment insurance benefits paid T4E
statement of old age security T4A (OAS)
statement of Canada Pension Plan benefits T4A(P)
Canada Pension Plan statement of contributions
statement of direct deposit for Ontario Works
statement of direct deposit for Ontario Disability Support Program
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board statement of benefits T5007
property tax assessment
credit card statement, bank account statement, or RRSP, RRIF, RHOSP or T5 statement
CNIB Card or a card from another registered charitable organization that provides services to persons with disabilities
hospital card or record
document showing campus residence, issued by the office or officials responsible for student residence at a post-secondary institution
document showing residence at a long-term care home under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, issued by the Administrator for the home
utility bill for hydro, water, gas, telephone or cable TV or a bill from a public utilities commission
cheque stub, T4 statement or pay receipt issued by an employer
transcript or report card from a post-secondary school
document showing campus residence, issued by the office or officials responsible for student residence at a post-secondary institution
considering many students who attend Sheridan College and reside in Oakville likely rent a property, other acceptable types of identification include:
mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement relating to property in Ontario
insurance policy or insurance statement
Source: Town of Oakville, 2022.